Where quality service is our priority


Our goal is to ensure that your event is successful, and our talented team will work with you individually to meet your needs. You may choose from a variety of venues and select the services necessary for your event.

Contact Information- who can help you

Location Person Email Address Phone Number
Special Events, Meetings, External Guests Cindy Lundin clundin@htfk18.com 330-471-8255
Catering Kimberly Carr kcarr@htfk18.com 330-471-8497
Classroom Reservations Tricia Sommer  psommer@htfk18.com 330-471-8130
Conference Rooms (MH - 201, RH-304, FH-39) Google Calendar Google Calendar  
Osborne Hall Gymnasium/King Field Tanya Hockman thockman@htfk18.com 330-471-8299

Osborne Hall Multipurpose Room & Silk Auditorium

Event Services Schedules the two rooms above after 5:00 pm Monday - Friday & weekends.  

Registrar's Office schedules the two rooms above Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.

Cindy Lundin/Tricia Sommer clundin@htfk18.com/

See what we can do for you

Many events are hosted at Malone University each year. View an image gallery of recent events or out the Upcoming Events calendar to see what's happening on our campus this academic year.



Schedule your event

We understand that your program is unique, and our individualized approach to event coordination aims to make your experience as smooth and comfortable as possible. Whether you are planning a multi-day program or simply need a functional meeting space, we work with you to provide the appropriate venue and support services.

PLEASE NOTE: Malone University's campus is alcohol-free and smoke-free


Don't take our word for it!

Malone Guest Testimonials

We don't take for granted the power of positive word-of-mouth around our community. Take a look at what our guests have said about their experience on our campus.